
Father Ralph A. Bove Pastor

PLEASE NOTE: St. Bartholomew’s 9 am Mass on Tuesday, April 30th will be held at St. Paul’s Church.

The Knights of Columbus would like you to join them in reciting the Rosary and The Chaplet of Divine Mercy at St. Paul’s Church on the first Wednesday of every month from 6—7 pm. Let’s pray for healing for our friends, family and the world.

A Family Perspective by Bud Ozar Fifth Sunday of Easter (John 15:1-18) Like the vine grower in today’s gospel, parents must “prune and cleanse” the branches in their family if their children are going to be rooted. Discipline, limits and set- ting goals are a necessary part of parenting so our children will grow and “bear fruit.”

Religious Brothers Day—May 1, 2024 “He had spoken out boldly in the name of Jesus.” Pray for those who God is boldly calling forth to serve Him and His people as religious brothers. If you are considering this joy-filled vocation, then reach out to the Vocation Office via email: vocations@syrdio.org and follow us on Instagram @vocationssyracuse.

Dear Lord, Thursday, May 2, 2024 Let us unite on this, the National Day of Prayer with all faiths and all walks of life. Let us pray together, each in our own way, setting our differences aside for a moment in time. Let us come together as a nation, as a people. Let us love and respect one another and work for the good of all. And let us pray for peace within our own nation and between all nations. Amen from an Article by Melissa Knoblett-Aman at Bellaonline.com

Prayer to Saint Joseph, Patron of Workers Blessed St. Joseph, patron of all working people, thank you for the opportunity to build up God’s kingdom through my labors. Help me to be conscientious in my work so that I may give as full a measure as I have received. May I do all things in a spirit of thankfulness and joy, ever mindful of the gifts I have received from God that enable me to perform these tasks. Permit me to work in peace, patience, and modera- tion, keeping in mind the account I must one day give of time lost, talents unused, good omitted, and vanity of success, so fatal to the work of God. Glorious St. Joseph, may my labors be all for Jesus, all through Mary, and all after your holy example in life and in death. Amen. from: www.amm.org/prayers/workers.aspx

Altar flowers this weekend are in honor of Ivory Rose Marie-Immaculee Webb on the occasion of her Baptism




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Please Note, Tuesday & Thursday Masses are now at 9:00 AM

St. Bartholomew Spring Bazzar: 04/27/2024

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